Daily Productive Sharing 023 - iPad 的全局搜索

(The English version follows)

刚刚推出的 iPadOS 14 增加了全局搜索的快捷键,结合外接键盘,我们可以方便地通过 Command + Space 调用这一功能。如果你是 MacOS 用户,一定不会对这一快捷键感到陌生,而 iPadOS 上的全局搜索更有自己的特色。Command + Space on iPad: App Launching, Productivity, and More with the New Universal Search Feature in iPadOS 14 这篇文章详细地介绍了这些特色。

我们陆续介绍了好多利用 iPad 提高生产力的方法,比如:

高效率工具 005 – 主屏?副屏?如何将 iPad 的生产力最大化?

Daily Productivity Sharing 004: 如何将 iPad Pro 打造成模块化电脑

Daily Productivity Sharing 008:如何高效利用 iPad Mini

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The new iPadOS 14 added a shortcut Command + Space to do global search that’s easy to access. If you’re a MacOS user, you’ll be familiar with this shortcut. The global search on iPadOS has its own unique features. This article [Command + Space on iPad: App Launching, Productivity, and More with the New Universal Search Feature in iPadOS 14](https:// thesweetsetup.com/command-space-on-ipad-a-close-look-at-ipados–14s-new-universal-search-feature/) goes into detail about these features.

We landed on so many ways to use iPad to improve productivity, such as:

Efficiency Tool 005 – Main Screen? A secondary screen? How do you maximize the productivity of your iPad?

Daily Productivity Sharing 004: How to Turn Your iPad Pro into a Modular Computer

Daily Productivity Sharing 008: How to get the most out of your iPad Mini

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