Daily Productive Sharing 086 - 如何实践 Zettelkasten 笔记

(The English version follows)


在之前的分享中 Daily Productive Sharing 073 - 20201125,作者使用 Zettelkasten 来建立自己的知识体系。而且近来非常流行的双链笔记 (比如 Obsidian,RoamResearch 等)都是基于这里理念的。今天的分享来自 Introduction to the Zettelkasten Method,这篇文章非常详细地介绍了什么是 Zettelkasten,以及如何实践 Zettelkasten。

The Zettelkasten Method needs some practice. First, you will have the feeling that you don’t do anything useful. But with a little bit of practice and patience, you will surprise yourself and produce gems of knowledge.
The difference to other systems is that you create a web of thoughts instead of notes of arbitrary size and form, and emphasize connection, not a collection.
So, in short, whenever you continue a train of thought, you increment the last position in the address, be it number or a character from the alphabet.
And when you want to expand, intersperse, or comment on a note, you take its address and append a new character.
Zettel is the German word for “paper slip”. They are the smallest building blocks of the Zettelkasten.
a Zettelkasten needs to adhere to the Principle of Atomicity. That means that each Zettel only contains one unit of knowledge and one only.
That is what the rule of atomicity means: Make sure that the layer of content and the boundaries between notes match and are well defined. Then and only then can it be a reference to an address identical to referencing a thought.
There are three components that each Zettel has: 1. A unique identifier. 2. The body of the Zettel. 3. References.
The most important aspect of the body of the Zettel is that you write it in your own words.
The difference between knowledge and information, in practice, is quite simple. Information could be summarized in one sentence most of the time.
You should always translate information to knowledge by adding context and relevance.
Those byproducts are not waste. In the long run, they become valuable knowledge for your future projects.
The true magic of a Zettelkasten, when compared to ordinary note-taking systems, comes from the heavy emphasis on connection. Each new Zettel needs to be placed in some relationship to another Zettel.
The main benefit from connections is their effect on you and your brain: When you relate pieces of knowledge to others, you create relationships between pieces of knowledge.
Knowledge relationships significantly improve recall, and forming them also trains your mind to see patterns.
To make the most of a connection, always state explicitly why you made it. This is the link context.
This type of connection is where one of the leading knowledge creation mechanisms of the Zettelkasten is found: The meaning of the link, the why of the link, is explicit.
A Structure Note is a Meta-Note: it is a Zettel about other Zettels and their relationships.

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下面这篇中文文章简要地介绍了作者使用 Zettelkasten 的心得。

拆解Zettelkasten | 卡片盒知识管理体系实践反思

目标是让 Zettelkasten 变成一个辅助持续增进知识体系的大脑义肢,由于我们的大脑中的挂念的项目(Working Menory)的极限是4 - 6个,一个合适的外部辅助设备帮助我们提取不同时间不同领域的知识是非常必要的。
实现自己的 Zettelkasten 工作流至关重要,只有在拥有设计过工作流和笔记方式完整结合的状态下,Zettelkasten 才能发挥其应有的作用。
Permanent Notes 就是一篇篇以能够直接公布为目的逻辑完备的小文章,并且需要不停的更新他们之间的可能存在的逻辑关系,共同点,冲突点。

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In our share Daily Productive Sharing 073 - 20201125, the author used Zettelkasten method to build his own knowledge base. And recently very popular double-linked notes (e.g. Obsidian, RoamResearch, etc.) are based on this idea. Today's share is from Introduction to the Zettelkasten Method, an article that explains in great detail what Zettelkasten is and how to practice.

The Zettelkasten Method needs some practice. First, you will have the feeling that you don’t do anything useful. But with a little bit of practice and patience, you will surprise yourself and produce gems of knowledge.
The difference to other systems is that you create a web of thoughts instead of notes of arbitrary size and form, and emphasize connection, not a collection.
So, in short, whenever you continue a train of thought, you increment the last position in the address, be it number or a character from the alphabet.
And when you want to expand, intersperse, or comment on a note, you take its address and append a new character.
Zettel is the German word for “paper slip”. They are the smallest building blocks of the Zettelkasten.
a Zettelkasten needs to adhere to the Principle of Atomicity. That means that each Zettel only contains one unit of knowledge and one only.
That is what the rule of atomicity means: Make sure that the layer of content and the boundaries between notes match and are well defined. Then and only then can it be a reference to an address identical to referencing a thought.
There are three components that each Zettel has: 1. A unique identifier. 2. The body of the Zettel. 3. References.
The most important aspect of the body of the Zettel is that you write it in your own words.
The difference between knowledge and information, in practice, is quite simple. Information could be summarized in one sentence most of the time.
You should always translate information to knowledge by adding context and relevance.
Those byproducts are not waste. In the long run, they become valuable knowledge for your future projects.
The true magic of a Zettelkasten, when compared to ordinary note-taking systems, comes from the heavy emphasis on connection. Each new Zettel needs to be placed in some relationship to another Zettel.
The main benefit from connections is their effect on you and your brain: When you relate pieces of knowledge to others, you create relationships between pieces of knowledge.
Knowledge relationships significantly improve recall, and forming them also trains your mind to see patterns.
To make the most of a connection, always state explicitly why you made it. This is the link context.
This type of connection is where one of the leading knowledge creation mechanisms of the Zettelkasten is found: The meaning of the link, the why of the link, is explicit.
A Structure Note is a Meta-Note: it is a Zettel about other Zettels and their relationships.

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