Daily Productive Sharing 112 - How to Read Deeply?

(The English version follows)



  1. 当我们阅读时,我们可以理解每个词的意思;
  2. 但是每一个词的涵义是它所在句子阐释的;
  3. 每个句子又是由所在段落阐释的;
  4. 每个段落又是由所在章节阐释的;
  5. 每个章节又是由这本书所阐释的;
  6. 而一本书可能又可以由它引用的书籍所阐释。



其实不光我们阅读时需要注意上下文,语言学家也注意到这一现象。比如 Firth 提出过:

You shall know a word by the company it keeps.

而近来大火的深度自然语言处理中的 word embedding / attention 正是基于这一朴素理念衍生出来的数学模型。



For a text to be interpreted, you need a text and an interpreter. This may seem obvious, but too often we forget that our interpretation of a text is shaped by our pre-existing beliefs, knowledge, and expectations.

When we interpret a text, it’s not a linear process: it’s a cycle, which is called the hermeneutic circle.

The hermeneutic circle refers to the idea that our understanding of a text as a whole is based on our understanding of each individual part, as well as our understanding of how each individual part refers to the whole text.

As we progress through the text, we keep on evaluating this initial understanding based on the new knowledge brought by the text as it unfolds. This new knowledge will form the basis of a new understanding, which will change our personal context in terms of beliefs and expectations. In turn, the new context will inform the way we interpret the text.

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The Hermeneutic Circle: a Key to Critical (reading)

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How to read deeply? How to read deeply and effectively? This is a very challenging problem. The hermeneutic cycle is a seemingly profound, but effective solution that simply says to contextualize.

  1. when we read, we can understand the meaning of each word.
  2. but the meaning of each word is defined by the sentence in which it is found.
  3. each sentence is in turn defined by the paragraph in which it is found.
  4. each paragraph is defined by the chapter in which it is found.
  5. each chapter is defined by the book.
  6. and a book may be defined by the book it references.

So in short, using context can help us understand a book better.

In fact, not only do we need to pay attention to context when reading, but linguists have also noticed this phenomenon. Firth, for example, Firth suggests that

You shall know a word by the company it keeps.

The word embedding / attention in deep natural language processing is a mathematical model based on this simple idea.

So, not only do people apply this, but machines apply it too.


For a text to be interpreted, you need a text and an interpreter. This may seem obvious, but too often we forget that our interpretation of a text is shaped by our pre-existing beliefs, knowledge, and expectations.

When we interpret a text, it’s not a linear process: it’s a cycle, which is called the hermeneutic circle.

The hermeneutic circle refers to the idea that our understanding of a text as a whole is based on our understanding of each individual part, as well as our understanding of how each individual part refers to the whole text.

As we progress through the text, we keep on evaluating this initial understanding based on the new knowledge brought by the text as it unfolds. This new knowledge will form the basis of a new understanding, which will change our personal context in terms of beliefs and expectations. In turn, the new context will inform the way we interpret the text.

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The Hermeneutic Circle: a Key to Critical (reading)

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