Daily Productive Sharing 113 - Why to Share What You Know?

(The English version follows)



无独有偶,我的朋友 Linghao 在最近的闭门造车节目中介绍了自己的经历。他曾经写了一篇面向入门用户的文章,尽管他曾经以为大家都明白这些道理,但这篇文章帮助到了很多人,也为他赢得了不少机会。



Don’t even wait until you have everything figured out, at the end of the project. It’s ok to write what you know now, while everything is fresh in your mind and the sheer agony (or thrill of discovery) borders on the physical.

“There’s always room for another story… So if you have stories to tell and can tell them competently, then somebody will want to hear it….”

Through your writing people can to get to know you, in a way that often gets lost in casual interactions with coworkers (or formal ones with a potential boss or client).

Maybe you actually need to lower the stakes, and give yourself permission to just get it out there.

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As we've shared before, output is an effective way to facilitate input. For example, when learning an esoteric principle, we can try to put the principle into our own words and tell others about it, which in turn promotes our understanding of the principle. Of course when we output, we are often anxious about whether we should output or whether the quality of the output is high enough. In today's sharing, the author describes how writing as output doesn't really need to be considered so much, just stick to the output.

Welcome to repost, thanks for sharing :)


Don’t even wait until you have everything figured out, at the end of the project. It’s ok to write what you know now, while everything is fresh in your mind and the sheer agony (or thrill of discovery) borders on the physical.

“There’s always room for another story… So if you have stories to tell and can tell them competently, then somebody will want to hear it….”

Through your writing people can to get to know you, in a way that often gets lost in casual interactions with coworkers (or formal ones with a potential boss or client).

Maybe you actually need to lower the stakes, and give yourself permission to just get it out there.

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