Daily Productive Sharing 118 - Why Shall We Create Notes?

(The English version follows)



  1. Rephrase the original idea.
  2. Connect ideas together. Daily Productive Sharing 089 - 20201217
  3. Build upon the ideas.


对了,分享也是很好的知识消化方式,可以听之前推荐的闭门造车 podcast 中的介绍。Daily Productive Sharing 113 - 20210120



# From note-taking to note-making

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Why can't we remember what was said in the book even after taking notes? Why are classroom notes copied from the slides not useful at all? The key is that we don't internalize these notes into our own knowledge. In today's sharing, the author suggests changing from note-taking to note creation, the most fundamental of which is to use your own language to record.

  1. Rephrase the original idea.
  2. Connect ideas together. Daily Productive Sharing 089 - 20201217
  3. Build upon the ideas.

For example, we add an introduction to each day's sharing, mainly to help me keep track of the most important points in that sharing, and also to quickly help you understand what is being shared.

# From note-taking to note-making

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Note-taking often happens while listening; the goal is to quickly capture content so we can refer back to it later.

Note-making is more common while reading; it consists in deliberately crafting our own version so we can learn and create better.

In contrast, note-making is slower, more involved, and uses our own language. As a result, the content is easier to understand and remember.

By taking the time and making the effort to rephrase the content you are consuming, you are more likely to commit the information to your long-term memory.

At its core, note-making is about shifting one’s mindset from passive collection to active creation.