Daily Productive Sharing 135 - Life Advice Learnt from the Past Decade

(The English version follows)

#Misc #compound

今天的分享来自 Neil Kakkar,我们之前的 Daily Productive Sharing 056 - 20201103 就是他介绍如何利用复利理论来对待点子。他在这篇里分享了自己过去十年学到的一些技能:

  1. 掌握复利理论;
  2. 提高自己的品味;
  3. 有序地做事;
  4. 学会共情;
  5. 快速做决策并且快速执行;
  6. 尝试不用极端的眼光看待世界;
  7. 学会如何讲故事;
  8. 学会寻根溯源;
  9. 学会用具体的例子来讲述;
  10. 学会用系统的眼光来看待世界;

部分技能已经在我们之前的分享中有介绍,比如复利理论在 Daily Productive Sharing 110 - 20210115Daily Productive Sharing 124 - 20210204,比如系统理论在 Weekly Book Club 006 - 20201121



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Today's share comes from Neil Kakkar, whose previous Daily Productive Sharing 056 - 20201103 was an introduction to how to use the theory of compound interest to approach ideas. In this post, he shares some of the skills he has learned over the past decade.

  1. Learn to take compounding seriously
  2. Learn to develop taste
  3. Learn to sequence things well
  4. Learn to see what others see
  5. Learn to make and execute decisions quickly
  6. Learn to spot a convex or concave world
  7. Learn to tell stories
  8. Learn to dive into the source code when documentation isn’t enough
  9. Learn to be specific
  10. Learn to see systems

Some of these skills have already been covered in our previous shares, such as compound interest theory in Daily Productive Sharing 110 - 20210115, Daily Productive Sharing 124 - 20210204, and systems theory in Weekly Book Club 006 - 20201121.

If you find today's sharing helpful, why not share it with your friends?

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So, learn the most basic, most useful skills first. The longer you wait to learn skills like these, the less time there is for compounding magic.

Let others tell you what you’ve made is crap. Learn why. Notice when they tell you something is great. Figure out why.

This transfers to writing as well: Popular advice to get better is to write a lot of junk, do it a 100 times, and pay particular attention to what is received well.

In effect, you bootstrap good taste by first learning what others consider good. Then, you see the system behind it. Then you break the rules and still manage to awe.

When decisions are reversible - and they mostly are - speed is a super power.

Cultivating a habit of making decisions quickly, and then executing them is better than just thinking about it.

The world is sometimes concave, and sometimes convex. Knowing your topology can help you make better decisions.

So you got to do it the hard way: read the source code and figure out what you need to make things work.

Most of the time, most people don’t know what they’re talking about. Not being specific is a sign of that. The more abstract the word, the harder it is to pin down a meaning.