Daily Productive Sharing 150 - What is Effective Communication?

(The English version follows)



这篇分享中有一个很重要的点和知识的诅咒有关(the curse of knowledge)。看到这个词,可能很多朋友都不明白是什么意思。没错,这本身就是典型的知识的诅咒:我们在沟通时经常会假设对方和自己有类似的认知和经验,所以对我们自己熟悉的概念就不加解释,导致对方无法很好地理解我们,最终造成了无效沟通。所以如果我不加以解释的话,那就是假设大家都知道这个概念,最终也就是无效沟通。





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How important is communication? Especially in the current context of remote working, effective communication has become particularly important. Today's article is from nine years ago. Has our communication become more effective in the past nine years?

One important point in this article is about the curse of knowledge. When you see this word, many of you may not understand what it means. Yes, it is a typical curse of knowledge: we often assume that the other person has similar knowledge and experience to ourselves when communicating, so we don't explain concepts that we are familiar with, resulting in the other person not being able to understand us very well, which ultimately leads to ineffective communication. So if I don't explain it, then I'm assuming that everyone knows the concept, which ultimately leads ineffective communication.

There are many similar examples, for example, when we write a CV, we try to describe our experience in plain and straightforward language - after all, the earliest readers may be headhunters or recruiters who are not so familiar with the field. If using plain and straightforward language can give them a clear idea of your experience/accomplishments, it will greatly increase your chances of getting an interview. In this way, we have eliminated a knowledge curse and completed an effective communication.

Of course this article doesn't just talk about the knowledge curse, there is a lot of insight into communication as well.

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Whatever your specific situation, I’d bet much of your days are spent communicating with other people, too: talking, writing, being silent, smiling, frowning, asking, answering, listening, and, at worst, yelling.

Good communication skills are what allow us to sell our work, justify our decisions, and stand behind our positions.

People need human contact and interaction to flourish.

Psychiatrist Edward Hallowell calls the interactions that make us happier “human moments”—being in the physical presence of someone and having her emotional and intellectual attention—and argues that not having enough of them can lead to oversensitivity, self-doubt, rudeness, and worry.

Human beings desperately seek approval, dread condemnation, and thrive on appreciation and encouragement.

Considering others’ feelings might not sound like your top priority, but it’s important to understand that the faintest insight into how we actually think, what motivates us, and what makes us disagreeable will only improve communications and, in turn, influence the responses and value we receive back.

It’s your job as a designer, and a communication professional, to find the right language to communicate with your client.

When we truly understand our colleagues and respect their needs, we will build stronger, more trusting relationships within our teams and organizations—and better design because of it.