Daily Productive Sharing 167 - How to Read More Books?

(The English version follows)



  1. 不要觉得自己应该读书,而是想想读书能为我们带来什么?让我们更快乐?让我们有更多的知识,还是?
  2. 不要纠结于读完一本书,如果一本书不适合我们,就赶紧放弃;
  3. 不要觉得读书有多难,哪怕每天只读十页,也比完全不读好。



How to (Actually) Read More Books in 2021

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How to read more books is a topic being discussed, and today's share sorts out how to read more books in a number of ways, from building habits to acquiring books. The most important thing, of course, is to first adjust your mindset to.

  1. don't think you should read, but think about what reading can do for us? Make us happier? Make us more knowledgeable, or?
  2. don't get hung up on finishing a book, and if a book isn't for us, give up on it.
  3. don't think how hard it is to read, even if you only read ten pages a day, it's better than not reading at all.

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How to (Actually) Read More Books in 2021

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This time around, I focused less on the “should” aspect of reading and more on how to make time for it and how to actually enjoy it.

I reconnected with why I most want to read: I learn new things, it improves my writing, it inspires me creatively, it helps me connect with people.

Virtually any question I’ve struggled with is tackled intelligently and thoughtfully in a book.

After just six minutes of reading a book, stress levels decline) significantly — more even than other relaxing activities, like listening to music, having a cup of tea, and taking a walk.

Books combat loneliness because they expose us — perhaps more than any other activity — to another person’s interior life, inspiring feelings of collective identity and belonging.

For those who have trouble sleeping, reading a book is one of the most effective ways to nod off, because it tires our eyes and relaxes us.

Reduce your reading friction by making it as easy as possible to read books.

Read whatever you want, and don’t feel guilty if you feel like what you’re reading isn’t high-brow enough.

The only way to make a goal like reading more books sustainable is to make it a habit.

I usually give myself between 20 to 50 pages (or 20-30 audiobook minutes) to decide if I want to keep reading and switch to something else if I don’t feel compelled to continue.