Daily Productive Sharing 177 - How To Choose to Read?
(The English version follows)
如何挑选下一本书阅读?David Perrel 给出了自己的建议,这篇被他归类为 short form 的文章其实详尽地介绍了他挑书的理念,非常有启发,特别是以下这些:
- 读什么比读多少更重要,所以要花时间选择读什么;
- 刚开始读的时候倒不用太担心读什么,只管读,挑喜欢的读,如果读了不喜欢的就尽快放弃;
- 读各种各样的书,因为你也不知道会遇见什么?
- 自传多是因为主人公特立独行才有写作的价值,所以这些书的价值更大。
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David Perrel gives his own advice on how to pick your next book to read, and this article, which he classifies as a short form, actually goes into great detail about his philosophy on picking books. This piece is enlightening, particularly the following.
- it is more important what you read than how much you read, so take the time to choose what to read.
- don't worry too much about what you read when you first start, just read and pick what you like, and if you read something you don't like, drop it as soon as possible.
- read a variety of books because you don't know what you're going to encounter.
- autobiographies are mostly written because the main character is an outlier, so these books have more value.
How do you choose your books? Feel free to share them with us in the comments :)
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Reading is a cheat code. Improving what you consume is the fastest way to accelerate your pace of progress.
As you choose what to read, you walk a balance between thinking differently and knowing more than others.
Informational edge is found in obscure, hard-to-digest sources. Get comfortable with weird parts of the internet.
Attention is too valuable to waste time on most free content.
When you first begin your reading habit, it’s best to focus on having fun.
Resist the temptation to finish every book you start and discard bad books as soon as possible. It always feels wrong, but that’s okay.
However, there’s an even faster way to improve the quality of what you read: start writing publicly.
When I interview or meet somebody I admire, I always ask for book recommendations.
Seek thoughtful, opposing views from thoughtful people whose thought processes you respect.
Read books that the ideal version of yourself (in 20 years) would have been proud to have read.
Seek diversity in your reading life. New ideas come from the weird juxtaposition of ideas.
Connecting insights across time and space will spark fresh ideas.
The Lindy Effect says that the future life expectancy of non-perishable things like books is proportional to their current age.
Time is like a filter for quality. The older the problem, the older the solution. Read books that’ve stood the test of time. When in doubt, have a bias towards old, weird books.
Biographies are written about outliers. The best biographies are the ones the subject doesn’t approve of.