Daily Productive Sharing 181 - How to Not Kill Time?
(The English version follows)
我们经常把打发时间挂在嘴边,也许我们明明知道这并不是一个好选择。到底应不应该打发时间?David Perrel 给出了自己的理解。
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We often talk about killing time, but perhaps we know it's not a good choice. David Perrel offers his understanding of whether or not we should kill time.
Recently, I've started calling old friends at weekends, and each may cost an hour. It sounds time-consuming, but every time I get off the phone I'm in a better mood and I've cemented a relationship with an old friend, so it's a meaningful way to spend my time.
How do you kill your time? How do you kill time in a meaningful way?
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Ironically, he was writing his PhD thesis on tobacco addiction treatment, and sadly, it wasn’t curing his own addiction.
At some point, it occurred to me that there’s a Mark in all of us — a person who can’t confront the challenges of the modern world and can’t resist the allure of distractions from it.
I activated Gary Vaynerchuck hustle mode and put all my energy into work, from checking email before getting out of bed to reading an article while waiting for my oatmeal to microwave.
Work is results-driven. You work towards an outcome, which doubles as the measure for how well you’ve spent your time.
In contrast, well-spent leisure should be valuable in itself.
If work is guided by utilitarian outcomes, leisure is driven by intuitive awareness.
But if we see time and money as two sides of the same coin, then time spent not making money is wasted. Thus, our obsession with productivity has the pernicious side-effect of demonizing leisure.
To be sure, meaningful leisure can look like work.
Jimmy’s story demonstrates that the value of free time depends not on the activity you pursue, but on how much satisfaction it gives you.