Daily Productive Sharing 201 - How to Keep Positive Feedback?

(The English version follows)

#todo #time_management

上周的 Daily Productive Sharing 198 - 20210519 介绍了 Daily Productivity Journal 来记录我们每天的反馈。今天的分享更进一步,介绍如何使用 Obsidian 这款工具来记录和追踪我们的反馈:

  1. 使用 Obsidian 的模版功能建立每天的问题模版;
  2. 使用 Obsidian 的 Daily notes 功能来回答上面这些问题,每个问题都需要打分;
  3. 使用第三方的 tracker 插件来可视化上面的打分结果。

这一方案的可定制化程度非常高,而且数据都在本地。另外 Obsidian 已经在内侧移动端了,估计不久就会发布正式版的移动端。




Journaling Using Daily Questions in Obsidian

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Last week's Daily Productive Sharing 198 - 20210519 introduced the Daily Productivity Journal to record our daily feedback. Today's share takes it a step further and describes how to use Obsidian as a tool to record and track our feedback:

  1. using Obsidian's template feature to create a template for each day's questions.
  2. using Obsidian's Daily notes feature to answer the above questions, with each question requiring a score.
  3. use a third-party tracker plugin to visualize the results of the above scoring.

This solution is very customizable and the data is local. Also Obsidian already released their beta version of mobile app, and it is expected that a full version of the mobile side will be released soon.

How do you build your own positive feedback? Feel free to share with us :)

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Journaling Using Daily Questions in Obsidian

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The basic idea is to answer a series of questions every day based on the criteria, “did I do my best to (fill in the blank)?” You simply give yourself a score on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being low and 10 being high.