Daily Productive Sharing 236 - How to Hard Work?

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(The English version follows)

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如何努力?Paul Graham 指出要想出人头地要有三个要素:天赋,练习和努力。天赋可遇不可求,所以后天能做的只有练习和努力。如果能做到其中两点就能做到不错,但要到达极致,必须同时满足上面三点。很多时候,我们只看到成功的光鲜一面,但是忽略了背后的练习和努力,误以为只要有天赋就行。Paul 分享了不少努力的建议:

  1. 要想努力,首先要对自己诚实;
  2. 要想找到自己的极限,唯一的方法就是不断尝试;
  3. 要想知道做某件事是否值得,主要看自己是否对它感兴趣;
  4. 如果你努力了却没有得到好结果,那么你该考虑要不要换个方向;



How to Work Hard

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Paul Graham points out that there are three elements to getting ahead: talent, practice and hard work. Talent can't be found, so all you can do is practice and work hard. If you can do two of these things, you can do well; but to reach the ultimate, you must meet the above three points at the same time. Sometime we only see the glamorous side of success, but ignore the practice and hard work behind it, mistakenly thinking that all we need is talent. Paul shared a number of suggestions for hard work.

  1. to work hard, you must be honest with yourself first;
  2. to find your limits, the only way is to keep trying;
  3. to know whether doing something is worthwhile, it depends on whether you are interested in it;
  4. if you try hard and don't get good results, then you should consider to change direction.

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How to Work Hard

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One thing I know is that if you want to do great things, you'll have to work very hard.
And the reason famous adults seemed to do things effortlessly was years of practice; they made it look easy.
There are three ingredients in great work: natural ability, practice, and effort.
You can do pretty well with just two, but to do the best work you need all three: you need great natural ability and to have practiced a lot and to be trying very hard.
And since you can't really change how much natural talent you have, in practice doing great work, insofar as you can, reduces to working very hard.
There is some technique to it: you have to learn not to lie to yourself, not to procrastinate (which is a form of lying to yourself), not to get distracted, and not to give up when things go wrong.
The most basic level of which is simply to feel you should be working without anyone telling you to.
Strangely enough, the biggest obstacle to getting serious about work was probably school, which made work (what they called work) seem boring and pointless.
My limit for the harder types of writing or programming is about five hours a day.
The only way to find the limit is by crossing it.
Both the difficulty of the work and your ability to do it can vary hour to hour, so you need to be constantly judging both how hard you're trying and how well you're doing.
Working hard means aiming toward the center to the extent you can.
And the rule is the same: working hard means aiming toward the center — toward the most ambitious problems.
Some of the best work is done by people who find an easy way to do something hard.
As well as learning the shape of real work, you need to figure out which kind you're suited for.
If you're working hard but not getting good enough results, you should switch.
The best test of whether it's worthwhile to work on something is whether you find it interesting.
For this test to work, though, you have to be honest with yourself. Indeed, that's the most striking thing about the whole question of working hard: how at each point it depends on being honest with yourself.