Daily Productive Sharing 064
(The English version follows)
一个有问题的团队可能同时有不少问题。作为管理者如何带领这一团队走出泥潭就是一门学问。今天的分享是由 Camille Fournier 带来的,她也是 Manager‘s Path 这本书的作者,我们曾经在第36期邮件里介绍过。
Daily Productive Sharing 036 - 20201010
The flywheel is heavy and painful to start, and starts off slow, but as it gathers momentum over time it goes faster and faster. Turning around a team feels like getting this flywheel spinning.
These managers (the best managers) may tackle confusing on-call schedules, or onerous project management expectations. The best will look across the projects and quickly re-prioritize work to gain focus for the team.
When you find yourself in a rut, remember that you don’t have to solve the root cause of everything wrong with the team as a first act. Start with the little problems.
Once you’ve gotten the team to be productive, they will still need you to set direction, and to resolve interpersonal and inter-team conflicts.
全文可以在这里读到:The Management Flywheel
类似的观点在其他书中也存在,比如 Nudge 就专门介绍了如何四两拔千斤。
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A troubled team may have many problems at the same time. How to get the team out of the mud is a challenge to a manager. Today's sharing is brought by Camille Fournier, author of the book Manager's Path, which we featured in newsletter #36.
The flywheel is heavy and painful to start, and starts off slow, but as it gathers momentum over time it goes faster and faster. Turning around a team feels like getting this flywheel spinning.
These managers (the best managers) may tackle confusing on-call schedules, or onerous project management expectations. The best will look across the projects and quickly re-prioritize work to gain focus for the team.
When you find yourself in a rut, remember that you don’t have to solve the root cause of everything wrong with the team as a first act. Start with the little problems.
Once you’ve gotten the team to be productive, they will still need you to set direction, and to resolve interpersonal and inter-team conflicts.
The full text can be read here: The Management Flywheel
Similar ideas exist in other books, such as Nudge.
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