Daily Productive Sharing 1005 - Is Apple to Late to This AI Wave?

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Is Apple a latecomer to the AI wave? Ben Thompson doesn't think so. On the contrary, he believes that Apple's showcase at this year's WWDC demonstrates that they have entered the AI arena at the perfect time:

  1. A good AI device requires sufficient local computing power and battery life, while also being able to request resources from cloud servers when local computing is insufficient. Therefore, smartphones are the ideal platform for AI devices.
  2. Apple's unique advantage lies in its control over hardware, enabling it to provide system-level AI capabilities. The only company that can rival Apple in this regard is Google.
  3. Apple's partnership with OpenAI has two main considerations: firstly, it eliminates the need for Apple to build its own server-side AI computing capabilities, similar to how it previously used Google's search services. Secondly, it can curb OpenAI's ambitions to develop its own hardware, eliminating a potential threat.
  4. The recent Windows Recall incident once again highlights the importance of user-centricity when providing AI products, further validating the timeliness of Apple's entry into the AI wave.

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Apple 是不是这波 AI 浪潮的迟到者?Ben Thompson 不这么认为,相反,他认为这次 WWDC 的展示正好说明 Apple 来得恰到好处:

  1. 一个好用的 AI 设备在本地需要足够的算力和电池,又要在本地无法计算的时候,像云端的服务器发出请求,所以手机是最好的载体;
  2. Apple 的独特优势就是对于硬件的掌控,可以提供系统级别的 AI 能力,能够与之抗衡的只有 Google;
  3. Apple 之所以和 OpenAI 联合有两重考虑,一是不需要自建服务器端的 AI 运算能力,这点和之前使用 Google 的搜索是一样的道理,二是可以遏制 OpenAI 开发自己硬件的野心,消除了一大隐患。
  4. 最近 Windows Recall 的风波再一次说明,提供 AI 产品要以用户为中心,也证明 Apple 的入场恰到好处。

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