Daily Productive Sharing 1013 - Luck or Skill?

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Is a person's success due to skill or luck? Herbert Lui believes a balance between the two is necessary:

  1. Overemphasizing luck may lead to neglecting the importance of skills, while overemphasizing skills may cause one to overlook the influence of luck.
  2. One should prepare for potential misfortune while also striving to develop their skills to achieve success.
  3. When a stranger asks what made you successful, you can say it's due to luck; when your child asks what made you successful, you can say it's due to hard work and skills.

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一个人的成功到底是因为技能还是因为运气?Herbert Lui 认为需要平衡这两者:

  1. 过分强调运气可能导致忽视技能的重要性,而过分强调技能可能使人忽视运气的影响;
  2. 要为可能发生的不幸运的情况做好准备,同时也要努力发展自己的技能以实现成功;
  3. 当一个陌生人问你到底是什么让你成功的?你可以回答说是因为运气;如果你的孩子问你到底是什么让你成功的?你可以回答说是努力和技能。

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