Daily Productive Sharing 1021 - Self-belief vs. The Odds

One helpful tip per day:)

How to Find a Balance Between Confidence and Risk?

Herbert Lui reviewed the experiences of Julia Galef, Elon Musk, and Sam Altman:

  1. Life is full of various risks. If you fear these risks and don't try, there will be no results;
  2. Confidence can motivate people to attempt difficult things and persevere in the face of setbacks, ultimately turning optimism into reality;
  3. To balance confidence and self-awareness, it is necessary to listen to criticism and try to face it with a genuine attitude to avoid falling into self-deception.

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Herbert Lui 回顾了 Julia Galef,Elon Musk 和 Sam Altam 等人的经历:

  1. 生活中充满了各种风险,如果畏惧这些风险而不尝试,那就不会有任何结果;
  2. 自信可以激励人们尝试困难的事情,并在挫折面前坚持不懈,最终使乐观情绪变成现实;
  3. 要平衡自信和自我认知,需要倾听批评并尝试以真实的态度面对,以避免陷入自欺的局面。

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