Daily Productive Sharing 1023 - Things I wish I knew when I was 20

One helpful tip per day:)

What would you tell the 20-year-old yourself? Julie Zhao shared her tips, and some of them are quite insightful:

  1. For whatever action scares you (and isn’t life-threatening), remember this surefire way to eliminate the fear: do it 100 times.
  2. You can only optimize what you can measure.
  3. But sadness also connects us deepest. Seek the roots to sadness, and find the route to connection.
  4. Satisfaction does not come from money, rewards, status or praise; it comes from impressing yourself.
  5. You impress yourself when you do something you care about that is hard.
  6. Remember: there is no pride without struggle.
  7. What’s hard for you is defined by your brain and your brain only.
  8. What’s hard for you yesterday may no longer be hard for you today, and vice versa.
  9. Everything you say will be massively wrong in some scenario.
  10. The truth of anything is multidimensional and impossible to fully grasp. So a better question than “Is this true?” is “In what scenario is this true?”
  11. The number one meta-skill for success is learning to be an exceptional learner.
  12. The knowledge to solve practically all of the problems you encounter already exists somewhere in the world.
  13. There are only 3 methods to learning: 1) increase your exposure to new knowledge (blogs, books, etc.), 2) improve retention of knowledge (active listening, reflecting, etc.), 3) increase your pace of personal experimentation. Most people focus on 1, but 2 and 3 yield more gains.
  14. The biggest detriment to learning is your pride.
  15. The best analogy for the art of life is riding a rickety bicycle. At any moment, you need to lean some direction so you don’t fall.
  16. There is no love without loss. There is no gain without risk.
  17. If you believe your own story is interesting, you’ll naturally believe everyone else’s story will be interesting too. This one belief will make you a 10x better conversationalist.
  18. The kindest gift you can give is being a loving and truthful mirror for another.
  19. The most effective way to grow a network is to: a) be fascinated by other people and b) enjoy helping for the sake of it.
  20. Your hand’s skill can never surpass your eye’s taste.
  21. Whenever you hear yourself saying “I have to…”, change it to “I choose to…”

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现在的你会对20岁的自己说什么?Julie Zhao 分享了她的感悟,以下这些非常深刻:

  1. 对于任何让你感到害怕(但不及生命)的行动,消除恐惧的必胜方法:做100次。
  2. 你只能优化你能衡量的事物。
  3. 但悲伤也能将我们深深连接。寻找悲伤的根源,找到连接的路径。
  4. 满足感并不来自金钱、奖励、地位或赞美;它来自于令自己印象深刻的事情。
  5. 当你做一些你在乎且艰难的事情时,你会令自己印象深刻。
  6. 记住:没有奋斗,就没有骄傲感。
  7. 对你来说什么是困难的,是由你的大脑决定的。
  8. 昨天对你来说困难的事情,今天可能不再困难,反之亦然。
  9. 任何事情的真相都是多维的且难以完全掌握。所以一个比“这是真的吗?”更好的问题是“在什么情况下这是真的?”
  10. 成功的第一元技能是学习成为一个出色的学习者。
  11. 解决你遇到的几乎所有问题的知识在世界的某个地方已经存在。
  12. 学习只有三种方法:1)增加对新知识的接触(博客、书籍等),2)提高知识的留存(积极倾听、反思等),3)加快亲自实验的步伐。大多数人专注于第一种,但第二种和第三种会带来更多收益。
  13. 学习的最大障碍是你的骄傲。
  14. 生活艺术的最佳比喻是骑一辆摇摇晃晃的自行车。任何时候,你都需要向某个方向倾斜,以免摔倒。
  15. 没有失去就没有爱。没有风险就没有收获。
  16. 如果你相信自己的故事很有趣,你自然会相信其他人的故事也会很有趣。这个信念会让你成为一个十倍好的谈话者。
  17. 你能给予的最温暖的礼物是成为他人的一面充满爱和真实的镜子。
  18. 扩展人脉的最有效方法是:a)对其他人充满兴趣,b)享受帮助的过程。
  19. 你手的技巧永远无法超过你眼睛的品味。
  20. 每当你听到自己说“我不得不……”,把它换成“我选择……”

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