Daily Productive Sharing 1026 - Good Enough

One helpful tip per day:)

How good is good enough? Scott Young offers advice based on economic principles:

  1. Add up all the benefits of investing additional time, effort, attention, or money, and then add up all the costs of spending these resources, including the opportunity cost of doing other things. Continue investing until the additional cost equals the additional benefit.
  2. Considering long-term costs and benefits is crucial. Most fundamentals require significant upfront investment, even if ongoing costs are quite reasonable, because it takes time to get the system running. However, once these fixed costs are paid, we can enjoy the benefits at more reasonable maintenance costs.
  3. Therefore, when considering whether something is good enough, we need to consider its long-term benefits.

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多好才算足够好?Scott Young 结合经济学原理,给出了建议:

  1. 将投入额外时间、精力、关注力或金钱的全部好处相加,再将花费这些资源的全部成本相加,包括做其他事情的机会成本。继续在基础上投资,直到额外成本等于额外好处;
  2. 考虑到长期的成本和好处至关重要。大多数基础需要巨大的前期投入,即使持续成本相当合理,这是因为要花一段时间让系统运转起来。然而,一旦支付了这些固定成本,我们就可以在更为合理的维护成本下享受好处;
  3. 所以当我们考虑一件事是否足够好的时候,需要考虑它的长期收益。

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