Daily Productive Sharing 1029 - The Last Dollar

One helpful tip per day:)

Should We Fight for Every Penny in Negotiations? Nick Maggiulli Doesn’t Think It’s a Good Idea:

  1. Over the long term, most negotiations are part of an infinite game. This means that after one negotiation, you might have subsequent negotiations with the same party.
  2. If you fight for every penny in every negotiation, the other party might feel shortchanged, which can damage the relationship. In the long run, this isn’t beneficial.
  3. If you believe the outcome of a negotiation is good enough, it is sufficient. Almost no one can get every penny from a negotiation.
  4. Therefore, the best negotiation strategy is to treat it as an infinite game and not try to get every penny. Know when to stop.

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谈判的时候,我们是否要争取每一分钱?Nick Maggiulli 并不认为这是一个好主意:

  1. 拉长时间维度,大多数谈判都是无限游戏。也就是说,一场谈判之后,你可能还会与之进行后续的谈判;
  2. 如果要在每一场谈判中都争取每一分钱,那么对方可能会觉得吃亏,所以会破坏双方的关系,长远来看,这并不划算;
  3. 如果你认为一场谈判的结果足够好,那就够了,几乎没有人能够从一场谈判中获得每一分钱;
  4. 所以最好的谈判策略是把它当作一个无限游戏,然后不要试图争取每一分钱,见好就收。

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