Daily Productive Sharing 1039 - A Boring Job

One helpful tip per day:)

What are the benefits of having a laid-back job? KayDee listed these:

  1. You can have leftover energy to do other things, such as developing your hobbies or working on your own projects.
  2. You can better control the balance between work and life, with fixed holidays and income.
  3. Most importantly, personal growth does not necessarily have to occur at work but can happen outside of it.

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一份躺平的工作有哪些好处?KayDee 列举了这些:

  1. 你可以有剩余的精力来做其他事,比如发展自己的爱好,做自己的项目,等等;
  2. 你可以更好地掌控工作与生活的平衡,有固定的假日和收入;
  3. 最重要的是,个人成长并不一定要发生在工作中,而是可以发生在工作以外。

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