Daily Productive Sharing 1050 - Advice for 19 Year Olds

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如果你才19岁,要在读书、创业和找工作之间选择一个,你会怎么选择?Sam Altman 给出了他的建议:

  1. 最重要的是走上那条可能做出成就的路,所以选择做那些有可能帮助走上这条路的事;
  2. 无论选择什么,重要的是做一些实事,和聪明的人在一起;
  3. 很多人以为读四年大学没什么风险,其实荒废你宝贵的四年青春是一个很大的风险;
  4. 创业的最大好处是你可以在最短的时间内学到很多东西;
  5. 即使你想去 VC 工作,从零开始并不是最好的选择,不如先创建或者加入一个初创公司,然后在30岁左右的时候,以合伙人的身份加入一个 VC。

If you are only 19 years old and have to choose between studying, starting a business, or getting a job, what would you choose? Sam Altman gave his advice:

  1. The most important thing is to get on the path that could lead to significant achievements, so choose to do things that could help you get on that path.
  2. No matter what you choose, it's important to do some real work and be with smart people.
  3. Many people think that spending four years in college is low-risk, but wasting four precious years of your youth is actually a significant risk.
  4. The biggest advantage of starting a business is that you can learn a lot in the shortest amount of time.
  5. Even if you want to work in VC, starting from scratch is not the best option. It's better to first create or join a startup and then join a VC as a partner around the age of 30.

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如果你才19岁,要在读书,创业和找工作之间选择一个,你会怎么选择? Sam Altman 给出了他的建议:

  1. 最重要的是走上那条可能做出成就的路,所以选择做那些有可能帮助走上这条路的事;
  2. 无论选择什么,重要的是做一些实事,和聪明的人在一起;
  3. 很多人以为读四年大学没什么风险,其实荒废你宝贵的四年青春是一个很大的风险;
  4. 创业的最大好处是你可以在最短的时间内学到很多东西;
  5. 即使你想去 VC 工作,从零开始并不是最好的选择,不如先创建或者加入一个初创公司,然后在30岁左右的时候,以合伙人的身份加入一个 VC。

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