Daily Productive Sharing 1057 - Five Most Productive Years

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Stephen Wolfram recently celebrated his 65th birthday, and the past five years have been his most productive:

  1. Over the last five years, he has published nine books, written over 1.2 million words, recorded 499 hours of podcasts, hosted 1,369 hours of live streams, and overseen 14 releases of new Wolfram versions.
  2. He attributes this productivity to the groundwork he laid in his earlier years, as many of his projects were ideas he had long ago but only recently began to execute.
  3. Why is he so productive? He believes it’s because he can identify the essence of things and develop from there. A prime example is how his recent research spans both physics and AI, yet all of it is rooted in his invention of the Wolfram Language, which has significantly boosted his research efficiency.
  4. He is also very deliberate in selecting projects, often choosing those that challenge his abilities. He tends to be the hardest worker on any given project.
  5. His daily life is simple and structured, allowing him to focus on various projects. He says remote work has made him even more efficient, considering he’s been doing it for 33 years.
  6. Does he have other hobbies? He says that when he was in academia, business was his hobby. After becoming a CEO, research became his hobby. Now, writing, teaching, and live streaming are his hobbies.

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Stephen Wolfram 刚刚度过了65岁的生日,过去这五年是他最高产的五年:

  1. 在过去五年里他出版了九本书,写了120多万词,录制了499小时的 podcast,1369小时的直播,还有14次 Wolfram 的新版本发布;
  2. 他认为这些高产和他早年的铺垫不无关系,不少项目都是早就有了点子,直到最近才开始着手实施;
  3. 为什么他能如此高产?他认为是他能发现事物的本质,然后在此基础上去发展。最典型的例子就是他这几年的研究领域横跨物理和 AI,但这些离不开他发明的 Wolfram 语言,正是这门编程语言让他大大提高了研究效率;
  4. 他挑选项目的时候也十分用心,往往挑选那些挑战他能力的项目;而他又往往是项目中那个最拼命的人;
  5. 他每日的生活十分简单规律,这样他就有精力放在不同的项目上。他说远程工作让他变得更加高效,毕竟他这么干了33年;
  6. 他有其他爱好吗?他说在学术圈的时候,经商是他的爱好;当他开始做 CEO 之后,研究就成了他的爱好。而现在,写作,教学和直播都是他的爱好。

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