Daily Productive Sharing 1058 - Postmortem of The Journey at Google

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After working at Google for nine years, Justyna Ilczuk decided to leave. What was she thinking?

  1. Her first internship was at Google, and she later joined as a full-time employee. She was promoted smoothly over the years, eventually reaching the L6 level. However, she didn’t want to transition into a management role, so she remained an IC (Individual Contributor) at L6.
  2. As Google grew, the cognitive load in terms of technology became immense. Newcomers joining Google might need more than a year to fully grasp the existing tech stack.
  3. When she joined Google, she felt that the company was leading in terms of technological innovation. But by the time she left, many other companies had caught up, and it seemed that Google’s once-brilliant shine had faded.

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在 Google 工作了九年之后,Justyna Ilczuk 决定离职,她是怎么想的?

  1. 她的第一份实习就在 Google,随后转正加入。一路升职也很顺利,一直做到 L6。但她并不想转成管理岗,所以直到 L6 还是 IC;
  2. 随着 Google 的发展,技术上的认知负担非常大,新人加入 Google 可能需要花费一年以上的时间才能完全掌握已有的技术栈;
  3. 当她加入 Google 的时候,她觉得 Google 在技术上有许多创新,而当她离开的时候,许多公司都已经赶上,似乎 Google 的风光不再。

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