Daily Productive Sharing 1061 - The Sleep-Creativity Cycle

One helpful tip per day:)

For knowledge workers, sleep is especially important. How can we improve sleep quality? Anne-Laure Le Cunff offers several specific suggestions:

  1. Increase exposure to daylight during the day;
  2. Reduce screen time at night;
  3. Avoid caffeine intake in the evening;
  4. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule;
  5. Relax your body and mind;
  6. Create a comfortable environment;
  7. Adjust the bedroom temperature.

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对于脑力劳动者,睡眠尤为重要,我们如何才能提高睡眠质量呢?Anne-Laure Le Cunff 给出了一些具体建议:

  1. 增加日间光照;
  2. 减少夜间屏幕时间
  3. 避免夜间咖啡因的摄入;
  4. 规律作息;
  5. 放松身心;
  6. 创造舒适环境;
  7. 调节卧室温度。

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