Daily Productive Sharing 1065 - Hard Startup

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What direction should you choose when starting a business? Sam Altman, who has successfully founded multiple companies, gives his answer — choose a difficult path for your startup:

  1. Although it may sound counterintuitive, companies that are easy to start often struggle to succeed, and vice versa;
  2. Many startups can attract good talent in the early stages, but over time, the quality of talent they find tends to decline;
  3. Easy ventures are like walking with the wind, while difficult ones are like walking against it. When people see you persist in going against the wind, they are more willing to join you;
  4. So, make yourself more ambitious, discuss your vision with others, and work relentlessly toward it, making sure each step is solid;
  5. If you’re willing to commit to your project for the long term, you’re already ahead of many.

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创业应该选择什么样的方向?连续成功创立了多家公司的 Sam Altman 给出了他的答案 -- 选择困难的方向创业:

  1. 尽管听起来这与直觉相反,但是起步容易的公司很难成功,反之亦然;
  2. 很多初创公司在早期能找到不错的人才,但是渐渐地他们找到的人才不会那么优秀了;
  3. 容易的公司像迎风而行,困难的公司像逆风而行,当人们意识到你执意逆风而行,他们更愿意与你同行;
  4. 所以让你自己变得更有野心,然后和别人讨论你的愿景,并且毫无保留地努力,当然每一步都要踏踏实实;
  5. 如果你愿意长时间投入到你的项目中,那么你已经比许多人领先很多了。

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