Daily Productive Sharing 1071 - Get out of Slump Mode

One helpful tip per day:)

Here’s the translation:

What should you do when you don't feel like doing anything? Anne-Laure Le Cunff offers some advice:

  1. There are many reasons why you might wake up not wanting to do anything, such as poor sleep, high stress, etc. In such cases, the worst thing you can do is force yourself to do something.
  2. A better option is to get yourself moving first, like going for a walk, exercising, or doing something that gets your body to release endorphins.
  3. Then, engage in activities that spark your curiosity, like reading an interesting book or listening to an intriguing podcast.
  4. Finally, ask yourself, if you were to do nothing today except one thing that would make you happy, what would that be? Then, try doing that.

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如果你什么都不想做,应该怎么办?Anne-Laure Le Cunff 给出了建议:

  1. 一早起来什么都不想做的原因有很多,比如糟糕的睡眠,巨大的压力等等。这时候最糟的选择就是强迫自己去做某件事;
  2. 更好的选择是:先让自己动起来,比如散步,锻炼等等,让身体产生内啡肽;
  3. 然后做一些让你的好奇心活跃起来的事,比如读有意思的书,或者听有意思的播客等等;
  4. 最后你可以问自己,如果今天什么都不做,只做一件让自己开心起来的事,这件事会是什么?然后试着去做这件事。

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