Daily Productive Sharing 1072 - Ultimate Success

One helpful tip per day:)

What is the ultimate measure of success? Morgan Housel believes it’s achieving the life you want:

  1. This principle applies to many areas, like creativity and personal finance;
  2. When you work toward your own desired path, you feel happier;
  3. By following your own path, you measure success by your own standards;
  4. As Mark Zuckerberg told his daughter: "Learn from others' successes and failures, and do your own thing."

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成功的终极指标是什么?Morgan Housel 认为是获得你想要的人生:

  1. 这一道理适用于很多方面,比如创意,比如理财;
  2. 当你朝着自己想要的方向努力,你会感到开心;
  3. 当你朝着自己的方向努力,你会拿自己的标准去衡量;
  4. 就像 Mark Zuckerberg 对他女儿说的那样 -- Learn from others’ successes and failures, and do your own things.

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