Daily Productive Sharing 1075 - Forever Nomad

One helpful tip per day:)

How can one continuously learn new things? Derek Sivers suggests moving to a new place:

  1. People are shaped by their past experiences—the more diverse the experiences, the more adaptable they become;
  2. We truly learn only when we encounter something new;
  3. To keep learning, we need to keep experiencing fresh things, so moving to a new place is the best option;
  4. After moving, make friends with locals, seek their advice, and you’ll eventually get answers different from your own perceptions. This is the key to breaking your old ways of thinking;
  5. When you start referring to locals as “we” instead of “they,” it means you've fully integrated into the community, and it may be time to move to the next new place.

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人如何才能不断的学习新鲜事物?Derek Sivers 的建议是搬到一个新的地方去:

  1. 人是由过往的经历塑造而成的,经历越丰富,可塑性就越强;
  2. 只有但我们经历新鲜事物时,我们才能真正学到新东西;
  3. 为了不断学习,我们需要不断经历新鲜事物,所以搬到一个新地方是最好的选择;
  4. 搬去一个新地方之后,要与当地人交朋友,向他们请教,最终你能获得和你认知里不一样的答案。只有这样,才能打破你以往的认知。
  5. 当你有一天,用“我们”来指代当地人,而不再用“他们”来指代,这就说明你真正融入了当地,当然也是时候搬去下一个新地方了。

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