Daily Productive Sharing 1079 - Day One of Fitness

One helpful tip per day:)

Scott Young began his foundational life project, with fitness being a key component. He shared his workout plan:

  1. His fitness level is decent, with a VO2Max of 47.4, though he's slightly overweight. He believes his biggest challenge is maintaining a regular workout routine;
  2. Initially, he would take his gym bag to work and exercise after work, but this plan was often disrupted. Now, he exercises for 30 minutes first thing in the morning;
  3. He aims to maintain over 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week, incorporating aerobic, strength, and flexibility training.

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Scott Young 开始了他的人生基石项目,其中健身是很重要的一块,他分享了自己的健身计划:

  1. 他的底子其实不差,VO2Max 还有47.4,不过有些轻微超重。他认为自己最大的问题是无法坚持规律的健身;
  2. 原先他会带着健身包去上班,然后下班后去健身,不过这一计划经常被打乱。所以他现在一起床就健身30分钟。
  3. 他计划每周能保持150分钟以上的中等强度运动,穿插着有氧,力量和柔韧性训练。

我在这里 更新自己的训练进度,目前保持每周三到四次高强度训练。

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