Daily Productive Sharing 1086 - Managing Worry

One helpful tip per day:)

Can worrying solve problems? If not, how can we manage excessive worry? Anne-Laure Le Cunff offers the ABC method:

  1. Even if we do our best, we rarely have control over our fate. We cannot guarantee that effort will lead to reward, so worrying doesn't solve problems;
  2. Despite this, we rely on worry as a mechanism to protect ourselves — we see it as an active way to address issues, to fight negative emotions, and often mistakenly believe that worrying itself can solve the problem;
  3. Since worry is inevitable, what we can do is manage it better: be Aware of its presence, set Boundaries, and keep Calm.

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担心可以解决问题吗?如果不能的话,我们应该如何应对过度的担心呢?Anne-Laure Le Cunff 给出了一个 ABC 法则:

  1. 哪怕我们竭尽全力,我们对于自己的命运也鲜有掌控,我们无法保证付出就一定有回报,所以担心无法解决问题;
  2. 尽管如此,我们还是依赖担心这一机制来保护自己 -- 我们觉得这是一种主动解决问题的方式,我们以此来对抗负面情绪,我们认为这是一种积极的视角,我们甚至认为担心就能解决问题。
  3. 所以担心在所难免,我们能做的就是更好地面对它:承认它的存在 (be Aware of),甚至好界限 (set Boundry),并且保持镇定 (keep Calm)。

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