Daily Productive Sharing 1090 - Getting Genius Back

One helpful tip per day:)

If we’re not careful, our talents can fade, and our ideas might slip away. What should we do? Jia Jiang shares from his own experience that these can be recovered:

  1. After publishing the bestseller Rejection Proof, he stopped writing for five years. When he picked up the pen again, his writing was unrecognizable, confirming the idea that talents can leave us;
  2. Similarly, when we have a good idea but don’t act on it, that idea may also fade away, as if it has an expiration date;
  3. The good news is that if we are willing to put in the effort, we can recover those talents and ideas.

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稍不留神,我们的天赋就会消逝,我们的点子会离你而去,我们应该怎么办?Jia Jiang 以自己的经历告诉我们,这些都可能捡回来:

  1. 在发布了畅销书 Rejection Proof 之后,他停笔了五年。再提笔,他发现自己写出来的文章完全不像样。这印证了才能可能离我们而去的观点;
  2. 类似的,当我们脑子中出现一个点子的时候,如果我们不付诸行动,也会让点子离我们而去。就好像这些点子有保质期一样;
  3. 好消息是,如果我们愿意付出努力,还可以把这些天赋和点子捡回来。

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