Daily Productive Sharing 1093 - Overcome Fear of Failure

One helpful tip per day:)

Do you fear failure? How can we face and overcome this fear? Nick Wignall explains its roots and offers three methods for addressing it:

  1. The fear of failure and self-confidence are two sides of the same coin. Confidence doesn’t mean the absence of fear, but rather knowing you can succeed despite it. However, fearing failure doesn't necessarily mean a lack of confidence;
  2. People who fear failure often share a tendency to overwork as a way to escape their inner fears and anxieties. Unfortunately, this mindset can erode their self-confidence;
  3. To confront fear, the first step is to acknowledge it, rather than avoiding it;
  4. The second step is to adopt a habit with a high margin for error, allowing yourself to fail repeatedly and gradually accepting those failures;
  5. Most importantly, reflect on your values to ensure you're no longer driven by fear of failure.

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你是否惧怕失败?如何面对这种惧怕,如何克服这种惧怕?Nick Wignall 解释了它的成因,以及三种修复方法:

  1. 惧怕失败和自信是一个硬币的两面。自信不是缺乏惧怕,而是哪怕惧怕,你也知道自己可以的。当然我们也不能说惧怕失败就是缺乏自信;
  2. 惧怕失败的人似乎有个共性,即通过努力工作来逃避他们心中的恐惧和不安。但这种心理往往会侵蚀他们的自信;
  3. 要想面对惧怕首先要肯定自己的惧怕,而不是逃避;
  4. 第二步是找一个容错度比较高的习惯,让自己不断地失败,不断地接受这些失败;
  5. 最重要的是要反思我们的价值观,让我们不再被失败所驱使。

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