Daily Productive Sharing 1096 - The Art of Attention

One helpful tip per day:)

How should we view our thoughts? Bill Wear believes our thoughts are like a garden:

  1. Just like a garden, our thoughts need regular tending. This "tending" means giving them focused attention and patience;
  2. In fact, our thoughts are all we truly possess, and the first step to engaging with them is to observe them;
  3. We’ll notice that our thoughts are never-ending, constantly moving from one thing to another. However, there may be gaps in between, and if we’re patient enough, we can catch these gaps and respond, rather than blindly jumping to the next thought;
  4. Simplifying our thoughts means focusing on what truly matters, without getting distracted by less important things;
  5. This may require us to slow down, and that is the very point of slowing down—to engage more consciously with the world, rather than rushing through it.

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如何看待我们的思绪?Bill Wear 认为我们的思绪就像一座花园:

  1. 因为像一座花园,就需要我们时不时地打理,这里的打理指的是我们需要关注专注,耐心地专注;
  2. 其实我们唯一拥有的就是我们的思绪,与它相处的第一步就是观察它;
  3. 我们会发现自己的思绪永远都不会断,无时不在思考,从一件事跳到另一件事。其中也许有些间隙,如果我们足够耐心地话,可以抓住这些间隙,给出回应,而不是盲目地跳到下一件事上;
  4. 简化思绪的要以是把注意力放到更重要的事上,而不被其他事分心;
  5. 这或许需要我们慢下来,这也恰好是慢下来的意义 -- 更有意识地与这个世界相处,而不是匆匆而过。

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