Daily Productive Sharing 1103 - Writes and Write-Nots
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What is the biggest danger of generative AI today? Paul Graham believes it’s the replacement of human writing:
- Writing is essentially thinking, as it helps us clarify our thoughts;
- Generative AI can now write a lot for us, which, to some extent, means it’s replacing our thinking process;
- Most people aren’t skilled writers to begin with, and generative AI may worsen this trend;
- In the future, there will be two types of people: those who write well and those who don’t. Choosing which one to be is effectively a choice about whether or not to continue thinking.
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当下生成式 AI 最大的危险是什么?Paul Graham 认为它会代替人类写作:
- 写作的本质是思考,因为写作可以帮助我们理清思路;
- 现在的生成式 AI 能够替代我们写很多东西,从一定程度上也就替代了我们思考;
- 大多数人本来就不擅长写作,而生成式 AI 进一步加剧了这一趋势;
- 未来只有两种人:写得好的人,和不会写的人。至于选择做那种人,也就意味着你是否选择继续思考。
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