Daily Productive Sharing 1105 - Full Speed

One helpful tip per day:)

Why is coding at full speed more harmful than helpful? Paul W. Homer provides his perspective:

  1. Coding isn’t a linear task; it’s not a simple multiplication of time invested and lines of code produced;
  2. The essence of coding is problem-solving, and each problem presents a different cognitive load—some are heavy, others light, making a constant pace impossible;
  3. Paul prefers to tackle challenging or foundational issues first, as hard problems are hard to estimate in time and energy, while solving foundational issues makes subsequent problems easier;
  4. He keeps two lists: one for difficult problems and one for easier ones. He alternates between these lists, ensuring steady efficiency.

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为什么全速写代码有害无益?Paul W. Homer 给出了他的理解:

  1. 写代码并不是一个线性的工作,并不是投入多少就能产出多少行代码的乘法;
  2. 写代码的实质是解决问题,而不同的问题造成的认知负担是不同的,有些很大,有些很小,这就意味着写代码不可能是匀速的;
  3. Paul 习惯优先解决那些难题或者比较底层的问题,因为难题难以预估时间经历,而底层问题解决了会让上面的问题更容易解决;
  4. Paul 有两个列表,一个记录着需要解决的难题,一个记录着需要解决的容易问题。他可以交替着选择两个列表里的问题来解决,这样保证他的效率。

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