Daily Productive Sharing 1114 - Clarity

One helpful tip per day:)

Paul W. Homer highlights three layers of challenges in writing clear code:

  1. We use code to express our understanding of the problem;
  2. Computers must interpret the code to execute our intentions;
  3. Other programmers need to read and understand the code to maintain and iterate on it;
  4. Because of this, code clarity is crucial, and we must consider the needs of all three aspects;
  5. As programming languages evolve, they often introduce more syntactic sugars to speed up coding. However, these can sometimes make code harder to understand. Balancing these trade-offs requires careful thought.

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Paul W. Homer 指出写代码的清晰度有三重挑战:

  1. 我们通过代码来表达自己对这一问题的理解;
  2. 计算机要通过来理解这些代码来执行我们的意图;
  3. 其他程序员要读这些代码来维护迭代;
  4. 正因为如此,代码的清晰度尤为重要,我们需要考虑这三方面的需求;
  5. 很多时候,随着一门语言的进化,有越来越多的语法糖 (syntactic sugars) ,这些似乎能帮我们更快地写代码,但有可能让代码变得难懂。所以如何平衡这些需要我们好好思考。

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