Daily Productive Sharing 1121 - Focus and Motivation

One helpful tip per day:)

After revamping his productivity system, what insights did Scott Young gain?

  1. Productivity is heavily influenced by focus and motivation, so when you suddenly start focusing, a natural spike in productivity occurs;
  2. Writing down tasks doesn’t mean you have to complete them all;
  3. Another powerful approach is to lower your expectations.

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重新梳理了他的生产力系统之后,Scott Young 有什么感悟?

  1. 生产力深受专注力和动力的影响,因此,当你突然开始专注时,自然会出现生产力的激增;
  2. 把任务写下来并不意味着你必须去完成它们;
  3. 另一个强有力的方法就是降低期望值。

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