Daily Productive Sharing 1125 - Risks
One helpful tip per day:)
What is risk? Jacob Kaplan-Moss provides a detailed explanation:
- Risk involves potential gains and potential losses;
- Without potential risk, we wouldn’t take the leap;
- To evaluate the size of a risk, a simple formula is:
Risk = Probability of Occurrence × Magnitude of Impact; - A simpler approach is to use two axes: probability of occurrence and magnitude of impact.
- High on both axes indicates high risk.
- Low on both axes indicates low risk.
- One high and one low indicates medium risk.
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什么是风险?Jacob Kaplan-Moss 给出了详尽的解释:
- 风险涉及潜在的收益,涉及潜在的损失;
- 如果没有潜在的风险,我们就不会去冒险;
- 如何评估一个分享的大小,一个简单的公式是风险 = 发生概率 * 影响大小;
- 更简单的方式将发生概率概率和影响大小作为两个坐标轴,两个都高的话就是高风险,两个都低的话就是低风险,一高一低的话就是中等风险。
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