Daily Productive Sharing 1134 - Day One

One helpful tip per day:)

As part of his foundation plan, Scott Young revisited his financial strategy. What did he discover?

  1. Although his parents didn’t provide him with substantial wealth, they taught him how to manage expenses wisely—a lesson he considers his greatest inheritance;
  2. When he started writing in 2006, it coincided with the rise of online blogging, allowing him to ride the wave;
  3. He connected with Cal Newport early on, and both were just beginning to write about learning strategies;
  4. His best financial decision was investing early in low-cost index funds.

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作为 foundation plan 的一部分,财务也十分重要。Scott Young 重新审视了自己的财务计划,有何发现呢?

  1. 尽管他的父母没有给他巨额财富,但是教会了他如何合理地支出,这是他获得的最大财富;
  2. 当他 2006 年开始写作的时候,恰好是网络写作刚刚兴起的时候,他搭上了顺风车;
  3. 很早与 Cal Newport 结识,并且两人都刚开始写如何学习的文章;
  4. 最好的财务决策就是很早投入到低费率的指数基金中。

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