Daily Productive Sharing 1139 - 20 Lessons of Managing Money

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After 20 years of investing, what lessons has Ben Carlson learned?

  1. Long-term returns are the only ones that matter, but you must survive a series of short-term challenges to reach your long-term goals.
  2. A good strategy you can stick with in the short term is better than a perfect strategy you can’t sustain.
  3. Getting rich overnight is a curse, not a blessing.
  4. Markets are always changing, but human nature remains constant.
  5. Predictions are more about vanity than making money.
  6. Your desire to take risks depends on your life experiences.

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投资了20年之后,Ben Carlson 悟出了哪些道理?

  1. 长期回报是唯一重要的,但你必须在一系列短期中生存下来才能达到长期目标。
  2. 你能够在短期内坚持的好策略,比你无法坚持的完美策略更优。
  3. 一夜暴富是一种诅咒,而不是祝福。
  4. 市场总是在变化,但人性是永恒的。
  5. 预测更多的是为了满足虚荣心,而不是为了赚钱。
  6. 你冒险的欲望取决于你的生活经历。

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