Daily Productive Sharing 1140 - Parkinson's Law

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Are self-imposed deadlines effective at work? James Stanier believes that reasonably applying Parkinson's Law can enhance productivity:

  1. Parkinson's Law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion, meaning tasks without deadlines tend to drag on, resulting in inefficiency.
  2. The "Iron Triangle" of project constraints includes scope, resources, and time. Changing one factor inevitably impacts the other two. Without time constraints, projects are likely to expand in scope and consume more resources.
  3. Setting challenging deadlines can help teams clarify objectives. The key is to define requirements clearly while remaining open to adjustments.

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在工作中设置认为的死线是否有效?James Stanier 认为合理地使用帕金森定律可以促进工作的完成:

  1. 帕金森定律指出,工作会扩展以填满可用的完成时间,意味着没有截止日期的工作会延长,导致效率低下;
  2. “铁三角”包括范围、资源和时间三个项目约束,改变一个要素必然影响其他两个。如果没有时间的限制,势必会扩大项目范围,并耗用更多的资源;
  3. 设定具有挑战性的截止日期,可以促进团队明确任务目标。关键是明确需求,并对调整持开放态度。

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