Daily Productive Sharing 1146 - Resolutions in Breaking Bad way

One helpful tip per day:)

It's that time of year to write down New Year's resolutions, but how many people actually stick to them? In the U.S., the number is just 9%. Jia Jiang suggests that if we take inspiration from Breaking Bad, everyone can achieve their resolutions. Why?

  1. In Breaking Bad, the actions align with the characters' inherent nature, making them easier to accomplish. In reality, our resolutions often go against our nature. So, what can we do?
  2. We need to find ways to adapt our resolutions to fit our natural tendencies. For instance, if your goal is to lose weight, simply aiming to "exercise more" may not be effective. Instead, think about what type of exercise you genuinely enjoy. If you love basketball, set a goal to play more games. This makes the resolution easier to stick to.
  3. Another strategy is to place your resolutions in different environments. For example, if you dislike writing, try starting a newsletter and write in a public setting. The new environment could make the task more engaging and manageable.

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又到了一年一度写下新年愿望的时候,但是有多少人能执行呢?在美国,这一数字是 9%。Jia Jiang 说如果参照《绝命毒师》的话,我们人人都能完成自己的新年愿望,这是为什么呢?

  1. 因为参照《绝命毒师》,我们设计的新年愿望都符合我们的天性,这样就容易完成。而现实中,我们的新年愿望往往相反,那怎么办?
  2. 我们要想办法把这些新年愿望转换为符合我们天性的。比如我们希望减肥,但单单把愿望设置为多运动不一定有效,我们需要想想自己喜欢什么运动。比如喜欢打篮球,那就把目标设置为多打几场篮球,这样更容易实现;
  3. 第二种办法是把这些新年愿望放到不同的环境下去执行,比如痛恨写作,不如试试开启一个 newsletter,放到公开的环境下写作。

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