Daily Productive Sharing 1150 - Social Fitness
One helpful tip per day:)
A while ago, I planned a trip to a place where I thought an old friend might live. I hesitated before sending a message since the last time we talked was nine years ago. After some hesitation, I finally reached out—and to my surprise, they happily agreed to meet. Rob Henderson has had similar experiences:
- Although he and Tom only call each other once a year, they remain close and share the ups and downs of their lives.
- Strangely, people report being more willing to talk to a complete stranger than to reconnect with an old friend.
- Researchers suggest this hesitation stems from the fact that, over time, without regular contact, people begin to see old friends as strangers rather than friends.
- The longer the gap between conversations, the less familiar they seem.
- It takes approximately 50 hours of socializing to go from acquaintance to casual friend and a total of 200 hours to become close friends.
- Good relationships gradually wither away from neglect; if you don’t maintain them, they will disappear from your life.
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前阵子要去一个地方旅行,想着也许有老朋友在那,要不要见个面。打开微信一看,上次聊天已经是九年前了,犹豫了一番,还是发了消息。没想到对方欣然答应。Rob Henderson 也有类似的体验:
- 尽管现在他和汤姆一年只通一次电话,但他们仍然很亲近,分享生活中的起起落落;
- 奇怪的是,人们表示,与其联系一位老朋友,他们更愿意和完全陌生的人交谈;
- 研究人员认为,这种迟疑的原因在于,如果长时间没有定期联系,人们最终会把老朋友视为陌生人,而不再是朋友;
- 两次对话之间的时间间隔越长,他们变得越不像一个熟悉的人;
- 从普通认识到普通朋友大约需要50小时的社交时间,而成为亲密朋友则需要总共200小时的时间;
- 良好的关系会因疏忽而逐渐消逝;如果你不维护它们,它们会从你的生活中消失。
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