Daily Productive Sharing 1192 - The LLM Codegen Workflow
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How can we effectively use large language models (LLMs) for programming? Harper Reed shared his experience:
- The projects he deals with usually fall into two categories: completely new development projects, or legacy projects that need updates and improvements.
- If we're procrastinating on a project, no matter its size, he suggests using LLMs to help kickstart it.
- This approach becomes even more effective if we clearly understand our preferred programming languages, styles, and tools.
- One current limitation is that most AI-assisted programming tasks tend to focus on solo workflows, lacking the collaborative feel of team-based development.
- Having spent years programming alone, pair programming, and working in teams, he strongly believes that working collaboratively with others is more enjoyable and productive.
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如何有效地利用大模型工具进行编程?Harper Reed 分享了他的经验:
- 他接触的项目通常分两类:全新开发项目,以及需要更新改造的旧有项目。
- 如果我们正拖延着某个项目,无论大小,他建议我们试试看用这样的方式去推动它。
- 如果我们能掌握偏好的语言、风格与工具,这种方式会更加有效。
- 目前的问题在于,大部分 AI 辅助的编程工作都是单人模式,缺乏团队合作的感觉。
- 他曾经独立编程很多年,也做过多年结对编程,以及在团队中协作多年。他始终认为,与其他人一起工作更有趣,也更高效。
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