Daily Productive Sharing 1194 - How to Quit?

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When to give up? How to give up? Scott Young believes that giving up is sometimes harder than persisting because we always think about perseverance but rarely consider quitting.

  1. Being able to thoughtfully give up may be even harder than persistence, because we constantly think about persevering but rarely reflect on when to quit.
  2. Quitting thoughtfully involves focusing only on what lies ahead—the potential future investments and their expected returns.
  3. The critical question isn’t "If I could start over, would I pick this project again?" but rather, "What's the value of continuing versus quitting and pursuing other opportunities?"
  4. The real difficulty is that we often persist out of emotional attachment to old decisions, rather than objectively evaluating future value.
  5. A useful approach is to predetermine clear triggers for quitting.
  6. Another strategy is to set a period of automatic delay or re-evaluation (e.g., one week or month), giving space to make a rational decision.
  7. Low-intensity exploration of alternative projects can help us realize they have similar challenges to our current one, reducing the urge to switch impulsively.
  8. If you are only continuing to avoid acknowledging sunk costs, it's usually a clear sign that quitting sooner is better.
  9. Set aside time to consciously reevaluate and question the projects you've committed to.
  10. Define clear criteria for quitting beforehand to avoid emotional bias.
  11. It's crucial to focus solely on future costs and benefits, disregarding past investments.
  12. When a project no longer aligns with your core values, quitting is the right decision.
  13. If continuing a project provides no clear benefit and has no foreseeable positive outcome, it's time to quit and redirect your energy elsewhere.

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何时放弃?如何放弃?Scott Young 认为放弃有时比坚持更难,因为我们总是在思考坚持,却不怎么思考放弃:

  1. 更有意识地思考何时放弃,或许比不断给待办清单增加任务,更能改善我们的决策。
  2. 真正重要的只有你未来还将投入多少,以及这些投入能否带来回报。
  3. 唯一该关注的是未来的成本与未来的收益。
  4. 从经济学视角来看,问题不是“如果让我重新开始,我会不会选择这个项目?”而是“继续下去相比放弃(以及其他选择)的价值究竟有多大?”
  5. 真正的困难在于,我们常在“不忍心放弃旧项目”和“盲目追逐新项目”之间来回摆动,却从未认真衡量各自的利弊。
  6. 一种特别有用的方法是事先明确你放弃的时间点。
  7. 另一种有帮助的方法是在决定放弃时,设定一段自动延迟或重新评估的时间,比如一周或一个月后再决定。
  8. 低强度的尝试常会帮助我们意识到新项目和旧项目一样困难,这能减弱盲目更换项目的欲望。
  9. 给自己设定清晰的“放弃界限”,即使你当时可能舍不得放手,也要遵守这些界限。
  10. 当这件事情与你最核心的价值观不再一致时,就应该放弃了。
  11. 当这件事的成本明显大于收益,并且短期内看不到退出的可能时,你也应当放弃。
  12. 当你坚持的原因仅仅是为了挽回已经发生的损失时,这通常意味着你应该尽快放弃。

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