Daily Productive Sharing 142 - How to Pick Your Next Book?

(The English version follows)



  1. 挑选最基本的书,这些书中阐述的最基本知识可以帮助我们更好地理解其他事物;
  2. 挑选经过时间检验的书,这些书中往往集成了前人的智慧,也经过了时间的考验。

第二点值得商榷,比如我们阅读科普类的书籍,而科技一直在往前发展,所以一本早一点出版的书中的观点可能已经被更新。在 Keep Sharp 这本书中,作者提到食物对于大脑健康非常重要,但是众多的食物研究往往让我们无所适从,可能两篇论文里的观点完全相左。这是正常现象,因为大家的研究方式可能有更新,所以可能产生更深入的理解,这样一来,出现相左的观点也就不足为怪了。


Weekly Book Club 020 - 20210227



How to Choose Your Next Book

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Once we have finished reading one book, how do we pick the next one? The author gives two suggestions.

  1. pick the most basic books, those in which the most basic knowledge help us to understand other things better.
  2. pick books that have stood the test of time, books in which the wisdom of previous generations has often been integrated and has stood the test of time.

The second point is debatable; for example, technology is always moving forward, so the ideas in a technology book published a little earlier may have been updated. In the book Keep Sharp, the author mentions that food is important for brain health, but the many food studies often leave us in the dark, and there may be two papers with same object may be completely opposite. This is normal, as there may be newer ways of researching and therefore a deeper understanding may emerge, so it is not surprising that there are conflicting views.

How did you all pick your next book? Feel free to share with us in the comments.

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How to Choose Your Next Book

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