Daily Productive Sharing 198 - How to Keep Yourself Motivated?

(The English version follows)


在缺少反馈的情况下,我们很容易迷失方向,不管是工作也好,还是生活也好。正向反馈带给我们的帮助尤其大,那么如何持续地给自己正反馈呢?Shawn Blanc 在今天的分享中建议使用过程日志来记录这些正反馈,通过回答下面这些问题就可以帮助我们建立正反馈:

  • What was a highlight of my day today?
  • What important tasks did I get done today?
  • What is an idea I had?
  • What is a meaningful conversation I had?

类似的方法在 Keep Sharp 这本书里也有介绍,只不过它的名字换做了 gratitude journal。




Combat Burnout with a Productivity Journal

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In the absence of feedback, it's easy to lose our way, whether it's in work or life. In today's session, Shawn Blanc suggests using a productivity journal to record this positive feedback, which can be built by answering the following questions.

  • What was a highlight of my day today?
  • What important tasks did I get done today?
  • What is an idea I had?
  • What is a meaningful conversation I had?

A similar approach is described in the book Keep Sharp, except it's called gratitude journal instead.

How do you make build your positive feedback? How about sharing your secrets with us?

If you find today's sharing helpful, why not share it with your friends?

Combat Burnout with a Productivity Journal

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When you’re on a hamster wheel and you want to get off, you don’t run faster.

I think the biggest advantage of a productivity journal is how it helps reinforce the right behaviors and actions you are doing.

Doing the right things take effort, so make space to recognize and celebrate your effort.

As you track your time and celebrate your big wins, you will begin to discover what you, personally, can get done in a set amount of time.

By recognizing and celebrating our small wins each day, we can be reminded that we are making meaningful progress on the important work that matters.