Daily Productive Sharing 332 - How Does Curiosity Help Us to Learn?

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Last week we shared two articles on life learning, both about the "how", but it seems we left out the "why". Today, David Perell's article fills in the gaps: Why does learning begin?

  1. there are two causes of learning: one is forced, for example, by the pressure of exams; the other is based on curiosity, for example, we hum because we like the song or the singer, and then we sing it involuntarily.
  2. the traditional teaching model is basically based on the former, so the result is not good; if we can adopt the latter more often, then the result may be different;
  3. if it is lifelong learning, there is more learning based on the latter than the former, and we also need to learn based on curiosity as much as possible so that we can keep the interest in learning.

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上周我们分享了两篇关于终身学习的文章,讲的都是“如何”,但似乎我们没有提及“为何”这一问题。今天来自 David Perell 的分享正好补上这一环:学习为何开始?

  1. 学习有两种成因:一种是被迫的,比如被考试压力所逼迫;另一种是基于好奇心的,比如我们哼歌是因为我们喜欢这首曲子或者这个歌手,然后就不由自主地唱起来了;
  2. 传统的教学模式基本都是基于前者的,所以效果不好;如果我们可以更多地采用后者,那么效果可能就不一样了;
  3. 如果是终身学习,基于后者的学习要比前者多,我们也要尽可能地基于兴趣学习,这样才能保持学习的兴致。

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