Daily Productive Sharing 359 - What Is It like to Work in Stripe?

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Patrick McKenzie (patio11), two years after joining Stripe, describes his life at Stripe.

  1. he joined Stripe Atlas, a product that helps people open companies, as an IC (individual contributor).
  2. he was based in the Tokyo office, but his other colleagues were in San Francisco, so they worked together remotely, which had quite a few interesting practices in between. For example, he flies to San Francisco on a quarterly basis to meet with other colleagues.
  3. Stripe has a strong focus on internal tool development, like Twilio; Daily Productive Sharing 357 - 20211228
  4. Stripe has an internal Nothing is Not My Job principle, which means that everyone can participate in other teams' work. For example, they have an internal hacking competition where they can find any vulnerability and submit it. This can greatly improve the security of Stripe's products.

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Patrick McKenzie (patio11) 加入 Stripe 两年之后,介绍了自己在 Stripe 的生活:

  1. 他以 IC (individual contributor) 的方式加入 Stripe Atlas,一款帮助大家开设公司的产品;
  2. 他在东京办公室,但是他的其他同事都在旧金山,所以他们远程合作,这中间有不少有意思的实践。比如他每季度会飞到旧金山一趟,和大家会面;
  3. Stripe 非常重视内部工具的开发,这点和 Twilio 非常相似;Daily Productive Sharing 357 - 20211228
  4. Stripe 内部奉行 Nothing is Not My Job 原则,即所有人都可以参与其他 team 的工作。比如他们有内部的黑客比赛,可以寻找任意漏洞并提交。这样可以极大地提高 Stripe 各款产品的安全性;

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