Daily Productive Sharing 371 - New Habits Built in Last Year

One helpful tip per day:)


#todo #time_management

Dan Shipper described some of the habits he has established this past year, such as diet/exercise, etc. He goes to great lengths to describe some actions to maintain his mental health.

  1. try meditation;
  2. use a sun lamp;
  3. try ACT (Acceptance and Commitment therapy) therapy; 4. try couple therapy;
  4. try couple therapy.

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Dan Shipper 介绍了过去这一年他建立的一些习惯,比如饮食/运动等等。他花了很大篇幅介绍了保持心理健康的一些行动:

  1. 尝试冥想;
  2. 使用 sun lamp
  3. 尝试 ACT (Acceptance and Commitment therapy) 疗法;
  4. 尝试 couple therapy。

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